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Zijn er vragen contacteer ons dan via".replace("{0}",company.first_name),"success") } else if(result.type == "email_exist"){ swal("E-mailadres bestaat reeds","Dit e-mailadres bestaat reeds in het systeem. Gebruik een ander e-mailadres.","error") btn.find('.fa-spinner').hide(); } else { swal("Fout tijdens registratie","Er liep iets fout bij de registratie, probeer opnieuw.","error") $("button").prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); btn.find('.fa-spinner').hide(); } } }); } }); }); var me = { set: function(name, value){ window[name] = value; }, get: function(name){ return window[name]; } }; function loadNewImage(){ if(window.jcrop_api != null){ me.get('jcrop_api').destroy(); me.set('jcrop_api', null); me.set('new_image', null); $('#user-edit-jcrop').attr('src', null); $('#user-edit-jcrop').css('max-height', '180px'); } var fu = $('');"change", function(evt){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var oImage = new Image(); oImage.src =; oImage.onload = function(){ // Resize original image var rImage = window.helpers.images.resizeImage(oImage, 960, function(dataUri, w, h){ var local_id = me.get('local_id'); if(local_id != null) local_id -= 1; else local_id = -1; me.set('local_id', local_id); me.set('new_image', { id: local_id, original: dataUri }); $('#user-edit-jcrop').css('max-height', '180px'); $('#user-edit-jcrop').attr('src', dataUri).show(); $('#user-edit-jcrop').one('load', function(){ var preview_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); preview_canvas.width = 200; preview_canvas.height = 200; var imageObj = this; var boundx, boundy, jcrop_api; var updatePreview = function(preview_canvas, imageObj){ return function(c){ var preview_context = preview_canvas.getContext("2d"); if (parseInt(c.w) > 0){ preview_context.drawImage(imageObj, c.x, c.y, c.w, c.h, 0, 0, preview_canvas.width, preview_canvas.height); var new_image = me.get('new_image'); new_image.value = preview_canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.9); me.set('new_image', new_image); } } }; $("#btns-has-image").show(); $("#btns-no-image").hide(); }); }); }; /*image.onload = function() { var w = this.width, h = this.height, t = file.type, // ext only: // file.type.split('/')[1], */ } reader.readAsDataURL([0]); /*window.helpers.images.getSquareImageFromFile(file, function(dataURL){ me.set('image', dataURL); fu.replaceWith(fu.val('').clone(true)); });*/ });; } function addImageToDiv(container, image){ //console.log(image); var obj = $([ '
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